Link Africa is South Africa’s largest provider of cost-effective, high-speed, open-access telecommunications infrastructure.
As a leader in the industry, we have been building and operating Fibre Optic Networks since 2013; deploying fibre…


About us


Link Africa is South Africa’s largest independent Fibre Network Operator, which builds and operates Fibre Optic Networks using an innovative patented infrastructure deployment method on various modes of infrastructure. An increasing number of developing countries have stepped up fibre-optic networks deployment to build better ICT infrastructure and stimulate economic development.

Our Services


Link Africa has the exclusive South African rights to FOCUS™ Patented fibre optic cable technology for deployment in water & sewer systems.

Link Metro

Distance based Point-to-Point optic fibre links within the same metropolitan area made up of one or more fibre strands between any two end points within the same metropolitan area for the purpose of backhaul of aggregated end user traffic. This includes an inside plant requirements at either end.

Link Connect

Link Africa Inter-facility connection – Distance limited to an average of 3.5km (LoS) per link (nationally), flat rated Point-to-Point fibre links within a metropolitan area made up of 1 strand or 1 pair of fibre strands aimed at Service Providers requiring...

Link Core

Link Africa provides and manages all the passive Dark Fibre requirements in all the core network segments as required by the Service Provider as one strand or one pair of strands per link between two Link Africa POPs or between a Link Africa...

Our Services

Cities & METRO's




Cape Town


South Africa’s major Telcos and ISP’s